A clean planet
is our responsibility.
Collective action toward a climate-positive future today.

Global impact with every purchase your customers make.
Plant Trees
The trees of our planet Earth are one of the best ways we have to clean our air. By way of the Ecologi Impact API, you can let your EDD customers plant any number of trees every time they make a purchase or renew a subscription.
API requires Business or Impact-only account.
Offset Carbon
Ecologi partners globally with local projects that are implementing the best climate crisis solutions for offsetting CO2. Our responsibleWP plugin allows your EDD customers to offset carbon with each transaction.
With a site running Easy Digital Downloads and an Ecologi account, you are ready to make a climate positive impact. (see documentation)
Set impact/price breakpoints
The current version of responsibleWP does require some coding skills to configure (see docs). By way of a standard WordPress filter, you will define the number of trees and amount of CO2e to be offset per purchase or renewal. These amounts can be customized according to purchase an renewal amount.
Sell products on your site
responsibleWP hooks into all new purchases and all new/existing subscription renewals. When any purchase/renewal is processed on your site, responsibleWP will send an API request to Ecologi Impact API in order to plant any number of requested trees and/or offset any amount of CO2e (in KG)
Watch your impact grow
The available email tags and shortcodes allow you to inform customers of the impact they have made. Include links to the specific trees they’ve planted in your forest. Add customer impact totals to your site and inform your users of the total impact you have made via Ecologi.
Growing Change
Your participation continues to grow the collective action envisioned by the Ecologi team. Let’s do our part in reducing half the world’s emissions by 2040.
Top Foresters
Top Scrubbers
Ready to use EDD Ecologi on your site?
Your purchase price will make the following additional impact…
Purchase a License
Your license includes lifetime updates for a single site.